Monday, July 25, 2011


I just spent WAY too much time perusing preschool homeschool curriculums, despite the fact that I did this exact same thing  a couple months ago and decided on what I wanted for this year.  And I just did it all over again with pretty much the exact same choices.  Oh, and did I mention I should have been working during this time?!  Admittedly, my options are somewhat limited due to finances, but this is getting a little ridiculous.  I have a few favorites, but I like something different about each one.  Some curriculums seem a little too stilted, scripted, something that I just can't see myself doing.  It sounds good on the page, but I don't want to preach at my kiddos, I want to learn with them.  I'm toying with the idea of just putting together my own thing, I'm reminding myself that, hello, this is preschool and we don't need to do anything formal or put together, and then I am freaking out about the idea that sometimes I strongly suspect I have no freaking idea what I am doing.  Hence: Yikes!  Well at least I have a clear idea as to what I will be laying awake in bed thinking about tonight...!

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